Unemployment security
Language Experts offers members both financial and professional security. Read more on how we support language specialists in different employment situations.
Through Language Experts, our salaried members can join the Unemployment Fund for Higher Educated Employees Erko (Erityiskoulutettujen työttämyyskassa Erko). The fee is included in membership subscriptions. Entrepreneur and self-employed members can join the Entrepreneur Fund (Yrittäjäkassa).
In Finland, unemployed people can receive unemployment allowance through the Social Insurance institution Kela (Kansaneläkelaitos) or an earnings-related unemployment benefit from their unemployment fund. The earnings-related benefit consists of a basic benefit and an additional portion that is calculated based on previous earnings. To receive the benefit, a person has to register as a jobseeker with a local employment office.
Our organization also helps members to find work and develop their skills throughout their careers. The courses we offer for our members focus on professional development. Additionally, Akava Special Branches provides career counselling through a partner. We also advocate for our members to use different local organizations that provide recruitment advice, peer support, and help with networking.